Dear developers,

I managed to compile PyOpenCL on my system (Windows 7 64bit, Python 2.6 64bit, AMD Radeon 5870, Visual Studio 2008 Prof., boost 1.43). Here I want to share the procedure:

1) Compile boost libraries
took source distribution of boost 1.43; created bjam; created directory 'x64' in boost directory

bjam --toolset=msvc-9.0 address-model=64 --build-type=complete --stagedir=x64

added x64 subdirectory to search path

2) Compile PyOpenCL. Took it from git trunk (0.92beta). Edited my

BOOST_LIB_DIR = [r'c:\users\i-med-thalhammer\boost\boost_1_43_0\x64\lib']
BOOST_INC_DIR = [r'c:\users\i-med-thalhammer\boost\boost_1_43_0']
BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME = ['boost_python-vc90-mt-1_43']
CL_TRACE = False
CL_INC_DIR = [r'c:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Stream\include']
CL_LIB_DIR = [r'c:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Stream\lib\x86_64']

python install

To enable OpenGL interoperability I had to change wrap_cl.hpp:

diff --git a/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp b/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp
index b12286c..d9c46ff 100644
--- a/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp
+++ b/src/wrapper/wrap_cl.hpp
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
 // FIXME: Nvidia doesn't install cl_ext.h by default. Grr.
 // #include <CL/cl_ext.h>
 #ifdef HAVE_GL
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define NOMINMAX
+#include <windows.h>
 #include <GL/gl.h>
 #include <CL/cl_gl.h>
@@ -2874,8 +2878,8 @@ namespace pyopencl
     std::vector<cl_context_properties> props
       = parse_context_properties(py_properties);

-    typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
-      (*func_ptr_type)(const cl_context_properties * /* properties */,
+    typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL
+      *func_ptr_type)(const cl_context_properties * /* properties */,
           cl_gl_context_info            /* param_name */,
           size_t                        /* param_value_size */,
           void *                        /* param_value */,

Compiling gave a couple of warnings since size_t and int or cl_uint are different.

3) To test OpenGL interoperability I changed examples/

diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index dd4bf3e..4495804 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 from OpenGL.GL import *
 from OpenGL.GLUT import *
 from OpenGL.raw.GL.VERSION.GL_1_5 import glBufferData as rawGlBufferData
- from OpenGL.WGL import wglGetCurrentDisplay as GetCurrentDisplay, wglGetCurrentContext as GetCurrentContext
-    pass
- from OpenGL.GLX import glXGetCurrentDisplay as GetCurrentDisplay, glXGetCurrentContext as GetCurrentContext
-    pass
+from OpenGL import platform
+# try:
+# from OpenGL.WGL import wglGetCurrentDisplay as GetCurrentDisplay, wglGetCurrentContext as GetCurrentContext
+# except:
+#     pass
+# try:
+# from OpenGL.GLX import glXGetCurrentDisplay as GetCurrentDisplay, glXGetCurrentContext as GetCurrentContext
+# except:
+#     pass
 import pyopencl as cl

@@ -31,8 +32,10 @@ __kernel void generate_sin(__global float2* a)
 def initialize():
     plats = cl.get_platforms()
     ctx_props = cl.context_properties
-    props = [(ctx_props.PLATFORM, plats[0]), (ctx_props.GL_CONTEXT_KHR,
- GetCurrentContext()), (ctx_props.GLX_DISPLAY_KHR, GetCurrentDisplay())]
+    props = [(ctx_props.PLATFORM, plats[0]),
+             (ctx_props.GL_CONTEXT_KHR, platform.GetCurrentContext()),
+             #(ctx_props.GLX_DISPLAY_KHR, platform.GetCurrentDisplay()),
+             ]
     ctx = cl.Context(properties=props)
     glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
     glColor(0, 0, 1)

I didn't know how to make these changes platform independent.

In a similar manner, I managed to compile PyOpenCL for 32bit Python, using precompiled 32bit libraries for boost 1.42.

Thanks for providing PyOpenCL, it is a great package.


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