> Am 05.04.2016 um 22:08 schrieb Martin Weigert <mweig...@mpi-cbg.de>:
> Hey Gregor, 
> Thanks, upgrading to the latest github version (bbb2ca7dd) got rid of the 
> however the host-image copy still is off and empties the input data ndarray 
> as a side effect
> #--------code
> from __future__ import print_function
> import numpy as np
> import pyopencl as cl
> #host -> image
> data = np.random.randn(100,100).astype(np.float32)
> fmt = cl.ImageFormat(cl.channel_order.R, cl.channel_type.FLOAT)
> im = cl.Image(ctx,cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, fmt, data.T.shape)
> cl.enqueue_copy(queue,im,data, origin  = (0,0), region = data.T.shape)
> #image -> host
> out = np.empty_like(data)
> cl.enqueue_copy(queue,out, im, origin  = (0,0), region = data.T.shape)        
> print(np.allclose(out,data))
> # prints False
> # data is zeroed out 
> #--------

Hi Martin,

I can confirm that your original snippet, essentially

data = np.random.randn(10,10).astype(np.float32)
im = cl.image_from_array(ctx, data)
out = np.zeros_like(data)
cl.enqueue_copy(queue,out,im, origin  = (0,0), region = (10,10))
print np.allclose(out, data)

is ok for me, but host to device image transfer via

cl.enqueue_copy(queue, im, data, 
                origin = (0,0), 
                region = (10,10),

seems to have no effect at all. I did not look further into detail.


> I'll most have to revert to an earlier version then,
> cheers,
> Martin 
> Am 05/04/2016 um 15:41 schrieb Gregor Thalhammer:
>>> Am 05.04.2016 um 15:09 schrieb Martin Weigert <mweig...@mpi-cbg.de> 
>>> <mailto:mweig...@mpi-cbg.de>:
>>> Hey Gregor,
>>> thanks!
>>> Actually the intial error was on me, as my example included the 
>>> "(interactive=False)" during context creation and the CPU got selected by 
>>> default, of course lacking the right image format.
>>> The code example now (with the Intel Iris selected as device) breaks at
>>> cl.enqueue_copy(queue,out,im, origin  = (0,0), region = (100,100))
>>> which gives (on 2015.2.4 and both the Iris and Titan) a
>>>> clenqueuereadimage failed: INVALID_VALUE
>>> but runs fine on 2015.1.
>>> Did my snippet run fine on your machine when selecting either the Iris or 
>>> GT 750?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Martin
>> Hi Martin,
>> your code runs without error with both GPUs. I am running a (not recent) git 
>> version of pyopencl, your 2015.2.4 is probably missing a bug fix, issue #106 
>> for enqueue_copy_buffer_rect.
>> Gregor

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