"Schock, Jonathan" <jonathan.sch...@tum.de> writes:
> I found the solution to my problem. As soon as I assign a new variable name 
> (e.g. I copy two more images with different names)
> these copies run in parallel with kernel execution. So it has nothing to do 
> with the images being images but seems to be more a variable
> reference issue inside python (and probably therefore in pyopencl). I haven't 
> tried something equal with C bindings, but I assume that the
> same problems should not apply.
> I have not yet tried to leverage multiple copy engines on one card, but this 
> should also get interesting.
> So pseudocode for working and non-working examples:
> for i in range(10):
>   image1 = cl.Image(...)
>   cl.enqueue_copy(...,image1,...)
>   cl.enqueue_nd_range_kernel(...,image1,...)
> Does not work in parallel.
> image1 = cl.Image(...)
> cl.enqueue_copy(...,image1,...)
> cl.enqueue_nd_range_kernel(...,image1,..)
> image2 = cl.Image(...)
> cl.enqueue_copy(...,image2,...)
> cl.enqueue_nd_range_kernel(...,image2,...)
> DOES work in parallel. This seems to be rather a feature than a bug to me, 
> because it could lead to unexpected behaviour if the copy in the first 
> example would run during the execution of the kernel accessing the exact same 
> image.

Oh, you're totally right, and yes, it is intentional. I had totally
forgotten about that facility (which is perhaps a testament to how well
it works). Copies return a "NannyEvent" (that's literally what it's
called) that (a) keeps the buffer alive until the end of the transfer
and (b) waits for completion when it's garbage collected.


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