On 14/11/2018 19:38, Vincent Favre-Nicolin wrote:
Dear Gisele,

Le 14 nov. 2018 à 19:30, V Amo BTS <gisele.lima.cama...@gmail.com <mailto:gisele.lima.cama...@gmail.com>> a écrit : I got an import error after installing nvidia toolkit and cuda, using spyder:

*ImportError: /usr/local/cuda-10.0/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libOpenCL.so.1: version `OPENCL_2.1' not found (required by /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/_cffi.abi3.so <http://cffi.abi3.so/>)*
Spyder 4.0.0b1
*Python 3.6.6 64bits, Qt 5.9.3, PyQt5 5.9.2 on Linux *

Since I have no experience installing these programs. Can anyone help me, please?

This probably means that you have OpenCL headers advertising version 2.1, but a CUDA driver which only supports 1.2.

What Linux version are you using ?
What is the source for the CUDA 10 installation ?
What are the OpenCL packages installed ?

See a bug report (now closed) from a few months ago:
Best wishes,
Vincent Favre-Nicolin

I had the same problem (cuda-10.0) on ubuntu (18) at the weekend following a recent update. Renaming the offending .so file makes the error go away but I did not yet track down the actual problem.

clinfo was working and listing the various different devices and their respective opencl versions (e.g. cpu, integrated graphics, nvidia-gpu).


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