> On May 2, 2017, at 4:08 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2 May 2017 at 20:50, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
>> It’s generally only a two step process if there isn’t an existing issue
>> you’re fixing. If you’re fixing an issue you can/should just use the issue’s
>> number instead of the PRs number. We can make it possible to do like
>> <uuid>.feature and such too though if we think the random PR without an
>> issue case is big enough to warrant a special case.
> Hmm, maybe. I tend to do all changes as PRs, not all of which come
> from an issue. But it's also true that it's not immediately obvious
> (to me) from the docs that it's OK to use the issue number rather than
> the PR number. I could try rewording the docs to that effect, but to
> do so will need the 2-step process as there's no issue for this :-)

Rewording the docs would be fine, and I think it would be a trivial fix since 
it’s just messing with development docs.

> This originally came up for me because the discussion on
> https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/4461 had got quite messy - I felt
> that it might be easier for me to offer to rework the OP's PR rather
> than keep asking for corrections - but having to ass the NEWS entry
> made me doing that more complex than I'd initially thought. NEWS
> management was making a pretty trivial change in the wording of an
> error into a bit of a nightmare, both for me and for the OP. I was
> *really * tempted to say drop the NEWS and I'll mark the change
> trivial - but that seemed wrong, given that the OP had taken the time
> to write a NEWS item.
> I don't really have a good answer here. But this is my first
> experience with the new NEWS process - and it doesn't seem like an
> improvement over the old one, I'm afraid :-(

Would it be better if you could just name it no-issue-<random stuff>.<ext> in 
that case?

Donald Stufft

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