> On Jun 6, 2017, at 2:53 PM, Jason R. Coombs <jar...@jaraco.com> wrote:
> All fine by me.
> Any reason I shouldn’t be an owner of PyPA and Setuptools shouldn’t inherit 
> similar permissions to the other projects? I really don’t want it to be a 
> special snowflake.

I don’t have a problem with you being an owner on the GH org. PyPA has always 
been in a bit of a weird place that it started out as a pip/virtualenv only org 
that got expanded out to covering the whole spectrum. In that vein, I was still 
thinking of who was active within pip for managing that.

So yea, totally fine with you being an owner. It doesn’t really affect the 
project itself much, being an owner mostly just gives you the 
rights/responsibility of managing teams/repos/etc when a new project gets added.

Donald Stufft

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