Hi folks! This event is happening in about two months.

You can find more details and RSVP at the following links:



Bloomberg is also about to provide travel assistance for a few mentors
to attend at each location. If you would like to be a mentor and
require travel assistance, please reach out to me off-list directly.


On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 7:58 AM Sumana Harihareswara <s...@changeset.nyc> wrote:
> The weekend of October 27-28, simultaneously in London, UK and New York
> City, USA, Bloomberg will host a Python packaging and distribution tools
> event. Please mark your calendars!
> If you live in North America or Europe and would need assistance to
> attend this as a mentor/helper, watch for more details in July.
> If you live outside of the US or UK and would need an invitation letter
> to get a visa to travel to one of these sprints, please write to Kevin
> P. Fleming at Bloomberg, kpfleming AT bloomberg DOT net, and he'll start
> setting you up.
> Details:
> Thanks to Bloomberg for their generosity. They're already a Platinum PSF
> sponsor, and they'll host this, pay for a maintainers'/mentors' dinner
> the night before, provide clusters of cloud virtual machines for the
> attendees to use, and book and pay for some contributors' lodging and
> travel.
> This'll be an opportunity to advance Python packaging/distro tools,
> teach new contributors (including many Bloomberg employees), and yeah,
> if you want to get to know Bloomberg for career reasons, that too. :)
> We hope mentors can arrive Thursday night 25 Oct, do prep, setup, and
> dinner on Friday, then participate Sat-Sun, then leave Sunday evening or
> Monday.
> We'll be putting more details on these lists (distutils-sig and
> pypa-dev) and at https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingSprints .
> Thanks to Bloomberg folks Mario Corchero and Henry Kleynhans in London
> and Kevin P. Fleming in New York City for coordinating this, and thanks
> especially to Mario and to Paul Ganssle for suggesting it!
> --
> Sumana Harihareswara
> Changeset Consulting
> https://changeset.nyc

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