Author: Armin Rigo <>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5817:3e9c42adda30
Date: 2017-07-13 16:55 +0200

Log:    First draft of the talk

diff --git a/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/Makefile 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+slides.pdf: slides.tex author.latex
+       pdflatex $<
+slides.tex: slides.rst
+ slides.rst > slides.tex
+       sed 's/\\date{}/\\input{author.latex}/' -i slides.tex || exit
diff --git a/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/author.latex 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/author.latex
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\definecolor{rrblitbackground}{rgb}{0.4, 0.0, 0.0}
+\title[What's New in PyPy]{PyPy meets Python 3 and Numpy (and other What's New 
+\author[Armin Rigo]{Armin Rigo}
+\institute{EuroPython 2017}
+\date{July 2017}
diff --git a/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/graphs.png 
new file mode 100644
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/slides.rst 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/ep2017/pypy-whats-new/slides.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+PyPy meets Python 3 and Numpy (and other What's New topics)
+What's New In PyPy
+1. Python 3.5
+2. Numpy, Cython, Pandas, ...
+3. pypy-stm?
+4. RevDB: reverse debugging
+5. Others...
+What is PyPy
+* PyPy is another implementation of Python
+* Supports only Python 2.7... up to this year
+* Comes with a JIT, good performance
+* Mostly, drop-in replacement
+PyPy 3.5
+PyPy 3.5
+* Python 3.5 support released in **beta**
+* Drop-in replacement for ``python3.5``
+* Thanks to Mozilla for funding this work!
+PyPy 3.5
+* Async HTTP benchmarks:
+.. image:: graphs.png
+   :scale: 21%
+PyPy 3.5 status
+* Roughly complete 3.5 support (plus f-strings!)
+* Reasonably good performance
+* Tested mostly on Linux so far
+* Non-beta to be released "soon" (i.e. some time in 2017 I guess)
+* Python 3.6 to follow
+Scientific stack
+Scientific stack
+Numpy or Numpypy?
+* Numpy = the standard numpy library
+* Numpypy = our own partial reimplementation
+Scientific stack
+Numpy or Numpypy?
+* Numpy = the standard numpy library  *(use this)*
+* Numpypy = our own partial reimplementation  *(deprecated)*
+Scientific stack
+* Numpy works (99.9%)
+* On both PyPy 2.7 and PyPy 3.5
+* The rest of the scientific stack mostly works too (Pandas etc.)
+Cython, cpyext
+* Cython mostly works
+* Any CPython C extension module mostly works
+* This is all thanks to ``cpyext``, our CPython C API emulation layer
+* Numpy/Pandas/etc. are all slow-ish at the Python-C boundary
+* Less so than last year
+* Complex algorithms written inside Numpy in C or Fortran have the same
+  speed, of course
+* Basically: try it out on your own code
+Software Transactional Memory
+Software Transactional Memory
+* ``pypy-stm``: getting rid of the Global Interpreter Lock
+* ...unfortunately, this approach does not seem to work :-(
+Software Transactional Memory
+Unstable performance:
+* "Conflicts" between threads are hard to find
+* Fix one conflict, usually only to uncover the next one
+* As long as there is one, performance is bad
+* Continue developing the program, and you'll often reintroduce conflicts
+* Thinking instead about a GIL-free but non-STM PyPy
+Reverse Debugger
+Reverse Debugger
+* The essential tool you need once a year
+Reverse Debugger
+* Debugger with the ability to go forward *and backward in time*
+* Watchpoints to know when a value changes when going in either
+  direction
+JIT improvements
+* Reductions in the warm-up time
+* Consumes less memory, too
+* ``pip install vmprof``
+* Works on CPython and on PyPy
+* A "good" high-performance profiler for Python code
+* The PyPy version shows the machine code generated by the JIT
+CFFI improvements
+* CFFI: calling C from Python (from CPython or PyPy)
+* Biggest improvement of last year is *embedding*
+* Use CFFI to embed Python inside another program---much easier than
+  with the CPython C API, and works identically on CPython or PyPy too
+Next year?
+Next year?
+* Polish PyPy 3.5 / 3.6
+* Polish Numpy and the scientific stack
+* Play with PyPy-nogil
+* Port RevDB to PyPy 3.5
+Question & answers
+* Polish PyPy 3.5 / 3.6
+* Polish Numpy and the scientific stack
+* Play with PyPy-nogil
+* Port RevDB to PyPy 3.5
+Thank you!  PyPy main site:
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