As Jacob mentioned, I worked on fixing Stackless Pickling.

I thought this would be a quick thing for the first morning, but
it blocked me very much until the end of the sprint, where
a discussion with Samuele clarified to us (we both didn't
understand it for quite long).
The problem holds for any app-level implementation of any
switching concept that should be pickled:

Unless you implement this very ugly with global variables, only,
you will always have a reference to the tasklet/whatever on the
python stack, that tries to do the pickling. I.E. you always end up pickling
the pickler itself, in principal.
This does not happen from the main tasklet, because it has special
handing for that case.

This needs to be re-thought. Some special code, somewhat similar to
resume points in RPython needs to be implemented, to shortcut
the frames on the Python stack which should not be visible (and
therefore being pickled) at all.

Hoping to be more productive and communicative next time - this was a huge blocker.

ciao - chris
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