Hi Toby,

(ccing pypy-dev)

Toby Watson wrote:
> I have a PyPy related idea - one I'd like to explore at the upcoming  
> sprint in Leysin.
> Briefly the idea is to target Adobe's AVM2/AVMplus, the virtual  
> machine shipped in Flash and donated as Tamarin (to be the Mozilla/ 
> Firefox JS engine). This in turn would open a number of possibilities,  
> not least would be seeing a >>>> prompt sitting in a Flash app on a  
> web page.
> As I understand it from some of the PyPy CLI/JVM docs I have been  
> reading it is possible certainly to generate an interpreter, but  
> possibly also a compiler for any particular platform, in this case  
> using the oobackend.
> Just quickly, because I know many people do not know about (or  
> care! ;-) what is happening in Flash, the recent version 9 release  
> introduced:
> * A new virtual machine (AVM2)
> * With JITter compilation
> * Support for prototype and class-based ECMAscript styles (should be  
> suitable as Python target)
> * Dynamic bytecode generation _and loading_ is possible (should be  
> handy)
> * ActionScript 3/ECMAScript has strong typing and other more mature  
> language features
> FYI:
> * Bytecode is called Actionscript Byte Code (ABC)
> * Another language (HaXe) has already targeted this VM successfully.
> With such a 'Flython' interpreter I would hope in time to be able to  
> bind to Adobe's native and library classes and hence by able to :
> * Compile swf files from Python (for Flash) source
> * Build Flex apps (Adobe's GUI framework)
> * Target AIR (Flash desktop apps)
> About myself, my interests:
> 30-something developer of many, many interactive systems using a lot  
> of different technology from web Python/PHP, through ActionScript to  
> OpenGL/C++, C#, etc. I have written many small parts of compilers and  
> language transformers, but never a whole compiler. I have experience  
> with Agile development environments and Test-driven development.
> I've started digging around using Adobe's flex compiler, the open- 
> source Tamarin engine, plus my own small swf decompiler and lots of  
> public information to understand how the AVM2 VM works and Adobe's  
> compiler infrastructure - separate compilation, linking, the bytecode  
> etc.
> I am actually interested in developing new language/programming styles  
> atop PyPy/Flython (if it did exist) and I like the Flash VM because it  
> is web-borne and so widely distributed - essentially people could try  
> out experiments in their browser without having to download/build  
> anything.
> I don't know how much is possible in a week and of course much depends  
> on me, but my goal would be to get a skeleton for the interpreter/ 
> translator and to sound out what all the issues are in targetting the  
> AVM, binding to native classes and so on.
> I was considering writing another compiler specifically for this task,  
> but after looking at Jython, IronPython, Boo and PyPy it became  
> apparent that PyPy is quite mature now, may save a lot of time, and  
> ultimately produce a more interesting result.
> I would hope that by adding another backend I could contribute to the  
> fleshing-out of PyPy, help participate in the general maturing of the  
> project and hopefully give the group a cool demo too.
> So...I hope to see some of you at the sprint and look forward to some  
> interesting discussions!

I think this task is probably sprint-sized and relevant to PyPy. The 
question is whether some of the core-devs would like to work on it, so 
you can pair with that person.

Then there are technical questions too, for example whether the tamarin 
VM is good enough to actually run all the full PyPy Python interpreter 
on top of it.


Carl Friedrich

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