On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 9:37 AM, holger krekel <hol...@merlinux.eu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> seems like the pypy-dev issue tracker got some spam through bot-registered
> users.  Unless i am mistaken there is no easy way to add a captcha in addition
> to the e-mail confirmation registration and so i made the default role for new
> issue tracker users "anonymous".  This means new users need to find an admin 
> who
> assigns the role "User".  Admins on the trackers are e.g. Armin, Maciej, Anto,
> Amaury, myself and probably others.  Not a great solution, i know. It doesn't
> affect any of the existing users, though.
> it's probably a good occassion to push for switching to using new
> issue tracker software especially since there has been other complaints
> as well.


Yes, I think so, especially if we can give handling of spam to someone else ;-)

I did a bit of research at some point and personally I would like to
give JIRA a try. It looks good, but it's not open source (it's free
for open source users though).


> best,
> holger
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