On 01/11/2011 04:48 PM, Nathanael D. Jones wrote:
> As far as the discussion regarding PyPy's capabilities with
> multiple-sandboxing, reloading, and continuation serialization go, I
> think that is a relevant discussion for this forum.
> I'm still very interested in understanding (a) what PyPy can already do,
> and (b) what is involved in adding the features I need. I'm itching to
> work on PyPy :)

PyPy implements two things that are related somehow:

1) process sandboxing, which is just a way to control what one instance 
of an interpreter is allowed to do in terms of system calls, CPU and 
memory used. This cannot be controlled in a fine-grained way, every 
sandbox needs to be its own process, and communication is not 
implemented yet.

2) "stackless", which is a way for interpreters to get some control over 
the C stack, including being able to artificially create one. This does 
not mean that you get serialization for free, it's just that we 
implemented it carefully for Python.

To go further, I really think you need careful language design to get 
the capability model and the versioning/updating right. IMO you won't be 
able to extend standard Python, the semantics of it are too complex to 
shoehorn something with (so far) vague goals on top of it.

This language design is partially orthogonal to what PyPy provides you 
with. After thinking about what your language should look like, you can 
consider to use PyPy as an implementation platform for it, or not.


Carl Friedrich

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