2011/7/12 Andrew Evans <andrew.rusty...@gmail.com>

> Hello I am running into some snags developing an executable in pypy with
> translate.py and wondering what the best method for me to do this with my
> code would be. I am developing an Exploit Framework and one of the features
> I would like to have is compiling an executable. I am wondering if this is
> even possible with my code but it does run in the PyPy Interpreter

ctypes is not RPython at all.
But you can use the "lltype" and "rffi" modules.
Your code will certainly use things like:

FUNCTYPE = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([], rffi.INT))
ptr = rffi.str2charp(machineCode)  # returns a "char*" pointer
my_callback = rffi.cast(FUNCTYPE, ptr)

my_callback() # beware!

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
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