On 7/18/11 10:15 AM, Armin Rigo wrote:
Hi Christian,

A quick poll about the 'win64 test' branch.  Is it going fine?  If
ll2ctypes is continuing to give you troubles, I'd suggest to move on;
keep in mind that ll2ctypes is only used for testing.  I would
recommend that your priority should be to pass the tests in
pypy/rpython/test/ and pypy/translator/c/test/, and when it is done,
move on to pypy/rlib/test/ and pypy/module/*/test/.

Hi Armin,

It is going fine, ll2ctypes works since quite a while.
I'm working through rpython and some things in rlib at the moment.

Last 10 days I was ill with flu, that slowed me down, and I'm in big
trouble with my family, divorce, finding a new apartment for me,
find a way for my son to finish his school, and a lot of fight with my wife.

So I can't guarantee a steady work right now, but I'm not blocked
and will bring that to an end. If I get stuck, I will certainly
ask you.

cheers - chris

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