Hi Berend,

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Berend De Schouwer
<berend.deschou...@ucs-software.co.za> wrote:
> The following program has constant (+- 10 MB) memory usage in CPython,
> but it quickly leaks massive amounts of memory in pypy.

In theory it's not a leak, because the memory is eventually freed.
You can see this by adding "import gc; gc.collect()" in the loop; then
the memory usage remains stable.

Of course in practice it's bad.  The issue is that in order to trigger
a collection, we count the size of the allocated objects --- but we
ignore the fact that the temporary array.array created by a[2001:3000]
has also an attached raw-malloced array of 1000 integers.  Instead we
just count the base size of the array object, which is 4 or 5 words.
As a result we grossly misestimate the time at which we need to
trigger the next collection.

It needs to be fixed, but I'm not sure exactly how to do it generally
(as opposed to just fixing array.array, which doesn't help all other
similar situations).

A bientôt,

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