
I'd like to compile PyPy under Solaris/Sparc.  But it looks that
this is not supported.  Right now when I run "python2.7 translate.py
-O2" as suggested
on http://pypy.org/download.html I get an exception:

[version:WARNING] Errors getting Mercurial information: Not running
from a Mercurial repository!
[platform:msg] Setting platform to 'host' cc=None
[translation:info] Translating target as defined by targetpypystandalone
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "translate.py", line 324, in <module>
line 17, in <module>
    elif platform.cc.startswith('gcc'):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'

As I have python2.7, gcc 4.6.1 and libffi it seems that the
requirements for PyPy should be fulfilled, so
what do I have to do to compile it under Solaris?



ps: I'm not subscribed to this list, it would be very kind if you cc
me on replies.
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