Hi Timothy,

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 10:48 PM, Timothy Baldridge
<tbaldri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For something like this, am I going to see much of a performance boost
> by dropping to the interpreter level from the dispatch between these
> three sub-function types?

I can't answer this question, because it is too vague.  It depends on
the rest of the code, and on what you need to do exactly in the
mentioned logic.  Then it depends if you want the performance before
the JIT is applied, or after.  Finally it depends on whether the JIT
is fully correctly applied or not (and this includes whether the JIT
can really be applied in your case or we need refactorings of either
your code or the JIT itself).

You have to either try it out and measure alternatives for yourself,
or in order for us to come up with a guess, we'd need to investigate
your whole source.

A bientôt,

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