Hi Alex,

On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Alex Pyattaev <alex.pyatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, when would users be able to test it? I'd like to compare the overhead
> with ctypes and cppyy for instance.

The first version is ready for testing at https://github.com/arigo/ffi
.  Note that the goal is not to interface with C++ but only with C.
In this pre-0.1-release, it supports the same things as a basic
ctypes, minus all the Windows calling convention stuff.  We're going
to work now on non-ctypes issues like structs without a fixed known
layout, macros, etc. (listed in the README.md file).

Reading just the file names in 'ctypes/test/test_*.py', I should
stress again that the scale of the project is completely different
than ctypes: it's meant as a minimal interface to C offering a C-like
feeling, with absolutely no extra features on top.

See the 'demo/readdir.py' file for a quick introduction.  If you
already know independently Python, C, and (for this example) did at
some point read "man openat" on Linux, then this code should be
self-explanatory and kind of obvious.

A bientôt,

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