Hi Alex,

On 14 October 2014 18:42, Alex Gaynor <alex.gay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm talking about an explicit "vector_3f_add()" primitive, would be pretty
> straightforward to do the mapping. IIRC it took us less than a day to add
> READ_TIMESTAMP instruction.

I agree with Maciej on this point.  The problem with "vector_3f_add()"
is that it needs to use more than the lower 8 bytes of xmm registers.
We currently have no support for
initializing/allocating/saving/restoring such special xmm registers.
The alternative would be to have a "vector_3f_add()" that takes 4 xmm
registers, combine them into two, add them, and re-split the result.
It's unclear if that's really faster than doing two separate additions

A bientôt,

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