Hi Mariano,

On 5 May 2015 at 09:57, Mariano Reingart <reing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll try to clone PyPy too, I think it could be even easier to
> internationalize, as it is pure python and no C API should be changed, but
> please correct me if I'm wrong.

It's easier in some ways, but harder in others, because there is no
experience about doing that on an RPython project (unlike C).  To get

* let's say the goal is to use gettext via the dgettext() API.  This
is a function that takes and returns a C string, i.e. a "char *",
which is different from an RPython string.  We need to interface to
dgettext() via rffi (see examples in rpython/rlib/*.py, like e.g.
zrlib.py or rpoll.py or others).

* I think the sanest is to assume that the language doesn't change
dynamically, so that we can use caching techniques; for now it can be
done by adding "@jit.elidable" as a decorator, which mean that at
least the JIT will constant-fold calls to dgettext().

* the first place to use this would be in the error message
construction.  Unfortunately, this is also a place where we do custom
things instead of relying on a standard printf() format:
pypy/interpreter/error.py.  To see examples, grep for "raise oefmt"
anywhere in pypy/.  A message is specified like "expected %d
arguments, got %d", but it is broken in advance (during "translation",
i.e. when we turn PyPy from Python code to an actual executable) into
two strings, "expected " and " arguments, got "; at runtime we build
the final string by concatenating the pieces.  This logic needs to
change, but the idea of needing only to concatenate some pieces should
stay, as it is essential to get good JIT performance.  We probably
need to call dgettext() on the whole input string, and then split it
up to prepare the concatenation-of-pieces for future calls --- done at
runtime but still cached so that it occurs only once for each input
string.  (Obviously we need a way to reorder the arguments, too.)

This should be discussed in more details.  Maybe you should show up on
irc, channel #pypy on irc.freenode.net.

A bientôt,

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