Armin Rigo <> writes:
> On 30 January 2018 at 02:21, Floris Bruynooghe <> wrote:
>> I would be interested in joining the Leysin sprint and possibly
>> contribute to either the cffi work and/or some of the testing work.  I
>> won''t be able to attend the entire sprint however am tentatively
>> thinking of the 1st half, so arriving on Sat 17 leaving on Wed 21
>> March.  Is this something which is possible?  I could probably be
>> flexible as well and attend the 2nd half of the week instead, starting
>> from Wed, if this is easier logistically.
> Welcome !  Either half of the week would work, logistically.  There
> will be two more people during the first half, which makes it probably
> more interesting to be in :-)
> I've written down your name for the 17-21 of March.

Thanks, I look forward to joining you on the sprint.

Just to be clear, I would also like to stay in the shared bed and
breakfast accommodation if possible.

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