On Wednesday 09 July 2003 4:29 pm, Rob Knapp wrote:
> I'm currently compiling on a win32 platform and the build process reported
> that sipBadLengthForSlice was an unknown identifier.  The line number
> provided was line 130 in spi/qstringlist.sip.

Make sure you are using SIP v3.7.

> For the time being I've hacked the .sip file to simply return NULL in those
> circumstances since my immediate needs don't require that class...however
> it would be nice to have the option of using it in future.
> However, there is a larger problem.  When I reach the end of my compilation
> and attempt to import qt I get this:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "<stdin>" line 1, in ?
>       File "d:\projects\lib\qt.py", line 924 in ?
>       libqtc.sipRegisterClasses()
> SystemError: Unable to find class object for QSignalMapper

That sounds like you have a 3.7 libqtc.pyd and a 3.6 qt.py.

An explanation of both problems might be that you forgot to run "nmake 
install" after building both SIP and PyQt.


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