On Friday July 11 2003 17:17, Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> On Friday 11 July 2003 15:44, Jim Bublitz wrote:
> > On Friday July 11 2003 10:19, Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> Jim, you are heading in the right direction. Somewhere in my
> previous email, I meant to have written, "Jim is doing this,
> so this problem will be going away soon." I might've lost it
> on the edits. I absolutely do not want you to feel
> discouraged. That's like "biting the hands that feeds me".

Nah, no problem. I'm not discouraged. I'm disappointed that PyKDE 
isn't where it should be, but there honestly hasn't been much I 
could do about.  I also dislike the fact I haven't incorporated 
other people's contributions very quickly. Feel free to say 
anything that's on your mind - I'm relatively difficult to 
insult and nowhere near the point of being insulted. I'm 
unlikely to sulk or quit because someone posts something to the 

Usually I have lots of uncomitted time I can spend on PyKDE, and 
I just haven't had much if any of that lately. Things seems to 
be getting back to normal now.

> I guess what I really would like to see is sip, PyQt, and
> PyKDE become more independent of each other. sip, PyQt, and
> PyKDE are like conjoined triplets.

PyQt is rarely a problem for PyKDE, but of course PyKDE depends 
heavily on sip and Phil has done a lot of work on sip to make 
PyKDE possible and as complete as it is.  

> How can this be done? I don't know. There are too many
> problems in seperating them. Maybe someone brighter than me
> can see a way.

I'm open to suggestion, but I don't see anything that would help 
much at the moment.


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