On Wednesday 22 October 2003 7:02 am, Ben Mitchell wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed today that a version of SIP has been released that supports
> MacOS X, and so I thought I'd try to see if I could get SIP, QT, PyQt,
> and QScintilla all built and installed on my Mac in the hope that I
> could run the eric3 Python IDE.
> I succeeded in some areas, but have run into a problem.
> I've got the GPL QT 3.2.2 built and installed
> I've got SIP 4.0pre2 built and installed
> I've got QScintilla built and installed
>       - This required the first departure from "default" configurations.  I
> had to remove "thread" from the CONFIG line of qscintilla.pro
> PyQt is giving me trouble.
> I downloaded:  PyQt-x11-gpl-3.8.1  (this seemed the most rational
> choice)

You need the latest PyQt snapshot for the Mac.


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