
Am Donnerstag, 1. April 2004 17:23 schrieb Piotr Kalinowski:
> Hi
> I have eric 3.3.1, qscintilla 1.54, PyQt 3.11, sip 3.10.1 and
> autoindentation does not work even though it is enabled in preferences
> of the editor :( Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Piotr Kalinowski

What exactly is not working? If you are missing autoindentation after a 
line ending in ':', then you won't find it in eric 3.3.1. In eric 3.4 
this will be possible. If autoindentation isn't working for lines 
following an indented line, then this would be a bug. In the later case 
I would need detailed information because over here it is working ok.

Detlev Offenbach

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