On Tuesday 30 November 2004 03:14, Samir Patel wrote:
> It seems to me that kdebindings now contains wonderful pyqt except qtext.so. 
> This is needed to run eric IDE. Why kdebindings does not include qtext.so? 
> there any other way to get qtext.so without installing pyqt. If I have to 
> installed pyqt, do I need to install sip or it can use one from kdebindings 
> and will there be any conflict between kdebindings and pyqt?

What need to do is install qscintilla and any header files and development 
stuff for qscintilla, and then build kdebindings. The PyQt part of the build 
will detect qscintilla and automatically build qtext for you.

I kind of screwed up by not making this clear in the docs for kdebindings. 

Simon Edwards             | Guarddog Firewall
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