On Sunday 26 June 2005 3:57 pm, Gerard Vermeulen wrote:
> Here is an example where the sip specification matches exactly the
> corresponding header files:
> -- start header file --
> #ifndef V_H
> #define V_H
> class A
> {
> public:
>     A();
>     virtual ~A();
>     virtual int getTypeId() = 0;
> };
> class B: public A // abstract by derivation
> {
> public:
>     B();
>     virtual ~B();
>     virtual int bStuff();
> };
> class C: public B // abstract by derivation
> {
> public:
>     C();
>     virtual ~C();
>     virtual int cStuff();
> };
> class D: public C
> {
> public:
>     D();
>     virtual ~D();
>     virtual int getTypeId();
>     virtual int dStuff();
> };
> #endif // V_H
> -- end header file --
> -- start sip file --
> %Module v 0
> class A
> {
> %TypeHeaderCode
> #include <v.h>
> %End
> public:
>     A();
>     virtual ~A();
>     virtual int getTypeId() = 0;
> };
> class B: A
> {
> %TypeHeaderCode
> #include <v.h>
> %End
> public:
>     B();
>     virtual ~B();
>     virtual int bStuff();
>     // SIP must have the information so that I do not have to copy
>     // virtual int getTypeId() = 0;
>     // from a base class since that may be tedious in huge libraries
> };
> class C: B /Abstract/ // prevents subclassing
> {
> %TypeHeaderCode
> #include <v.h>
> %End
> public:
>     C();
>     virtual ~C();
>     virtual int cStuff();
> };
> class D: C
> {
> %TypeHeaderCode
> #include <v.h>
> %End
> public:
>     D();
>     virtual ~D();
>     virtual int getTypeId();
>     virtual int dStuff();
> };
> -- end sip file
> For C++, classes A, and B and C by inheritance are abstract because of the
> pure virtual getTypeId() declared in A.
> SIP does not look for pure virtual functions in base classes of a class but
> it should have all the information isn't it?

Should be fixed in tonight's snapshot.


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