On Sunday 05 November 2006 00:29, Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Saturday 04 November 2006 10:08 pm, Simon Edwards wrote:
> > sip.so. Point is, once a SIP wrapper for a custom C++ class is compiled it
> > then depends on that particular version of sip.
> No it doesn't.

Are you trying to tell me that if I compile a wrapper for a C++ class with sip 
version X, that that little python module for my C++ class, the little .so 
file I mean, doesn't depend on the version of sip used and will work at 
runtime with what ever version of sip the user has installed?

Or am I just not understanding what you are saying. I'm concerned with 
software distributed to users in compiled form.

> You can't mix two versions of SIP with different API major version numbers. 
> This was last changed to allow PyQt3 and PyQt4 to be installed side by side. 
> I do not anticipate it changing during the life of Qt4 (but I won't make a 
> commitment to that effect).

It is good to hear that it will probably not change. But should it happen, 
will it be possible to install both versions at the same time? like we can do 
with PyQt3 and PyQt4 today?

Just to make it clearer where I'm coming from, here is the scenario that I'm 
concerned with. Imagine it is a few years down the track, and people have 
been happily developing PyQt applications that also mixing C++ classes. 
Debian / Kubuntu / SUSE etc have a lots of these applications packaged and in 
their repositories. Outside the repositories, people have also created and 
distributed software packages. Everyone happy. But then sip gets updated and 
bumps the major version. Will everyone be forced to recompile all of the 
applications if they want to move to the new version of sip/PyQt? Or will it 
be possible to run the older stuff as is, alongside the new stuff? Like what 
we can do with PyQt3 and PyQt4.

Right now it sounds like that on the source code level everything works out 
fine, but for binaries it may not be possible to smoothly transition to a new 
major sip version. This could be a problem for distributions and end-users.


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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