Yeah If you're application can be distributed as an egg and you're willing to 
make your windows users install python, setuptools, Qt and PyQt. And your 
application doesn't depend on any other third party libraries that may not be 
easily available on all platforms. 

In short for anything but the simplest of applications, eggs don't work for 
cross platform development. They do however work very well if your sticking 
to linux.  


On Friday 15 June 2007 10:00:49 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 15.06.07 09:35:34, Kovid Goyal wrote:
> > Just write a Makefile to help you during development. I really don't
> > think it's worth burdening your users with the extra load time.
> Hmm, I haven't really experienced that much delay in load time. Also
> this largely depends on the type of application. An application that
> opens a lot of new windows frequently, or is itself started/exited
> frequently suffers much more from this than one that only has a
> mainwindow and maybe another dialog or two or is only started once per
> day.
> > Also if you plan on
> > going multi-platform, you will have to write platform specific hacks to
> > figure out the loaction of the ui files.
> Thats completely wrong. In fact there are quite good python ways of
> storing the .ui file in an egg and using it from there. Been there, done
> that, worked out nicely.
> Andreas


Kovid Goyal  MC 452-48
California Institute of Technology
1200 E California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125

home  : +01 626 390 8699
office: +01 626 395 6595 (449 Lauritsen)
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