On Monday 15 October 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> yesterday I fetched a new PyQt4 snapshot and as always let it build with
> -c -j 8. After about 30 minutes that it spent on sipQtGuipart0 I stopped
> it and increased to -j 20. Same problem with that number. Even -j 30
> causes this. I noticed though that the sipQtGuiPart0.cpp has only a
> difference of 100Kbytes between -j20 and -j30, that seems odd to me.

Some classes have more code than others. The code for a particular class isn't 
split across parts.

> Is there anything that can be done to fix this? (I've got a GB of RAM
> here, so that shouldn't be an issue) It really sucks having to disable
> concatenation as it speeds up compilation a lot.
> I always had such issues with PyKDE, but PyQt always worked fine using
> concatenation.
> Andreas

It's a gcc problem as far as I know. My distro is still on v4.1.2 (presumably 
for a reason).

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