
Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2007 11:03 schrieb Arne Babenhauserheide:
Is there a guide for PyKDE4? Google didn't get me far, here...

Not as such.

I don't yet know KDE programming. Should I try to get into PyKDE4

For beginners, I suggest start learning/using PyQt4. It is pretty complete as a toolkit. Mark Summerfield has written a book about it, which will get you started (soon to be released, but also available for (payed) download as "rough cut" PDF edition): http://www.qtrac.eu/pyqtbook.html.

That is good advice. The book is also available now:


Before you wrapped your head around it, and probably start missing advanced (k) desktop environment features, PyKDE4 will be available, I bet.

PyKDE4 is already available for certain definitions of "available". 8-) If you have KDE 4 SVN compiled on your machine then it is not very hard to checkout the kdebindings module and build PyKDE4. PyKDE4 and kdelibs are definitely stable enough to develop on without too much hassle.


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."
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