* Andreas Pakulat (Sat, 20 Oct 2007 10:38:08 +0200)
> On 20.10.07 03:13:08, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > * Andreas Pakulat (Sat, 20 Oct 2007 00:40:04 +0200)
> > > On 19.10.07 21:47:58, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > > > reading through Mark Summerfield's book I've tried to localise my 
> > > > appliation. This works fine for my own translation but not for the one 
> > > > >from Trolltech (qt_de.qm). This means that for instance all my menus 
> > > > are in German but the close, maximize, minimize and restore buttons in 
> > > > the upper right edge are still in English.
> > > 
> > > The window-buttons are usually provided by the windowing system and thus
> > > are not translated by the application itself.
> > 
> > I know but I thought if a translation exists then this should take 
> > priority.
> As I tried to explain: The text of the buttons in the titlebar of your
> application are _not_ part of your application. They're part of the
> windowing/desktop system and thus are translated by that desktop systems
> translation mechanism (most frameworks use gettext for translation
> purposes on linux, not Qt's custom stuff).

Okay, understood. I was under the impression that the buttons were 
"not part of my application" but still under control of Qt Toolkit.

Okay, so one more quite general question: does it make sense to load 
the localised Qt translation in my own application? Where would I see 
those? In file open dialogs for example? - or are these, too, under 
the control of the Window manager?


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