
eric4 4.1.0 was just released. This is a major feature release. Compared to 
4.0.4 it contains these features next to bug fixes.

- Added a plugin system for easy extensibility
- Converted the following interface to plugins available separately
  -- PyLint checker
  -- CxFreeze packager
  -- CharTables tool
  -- CVS version control system
  -- BRM refactoring
- Added new project types
  -- Eric4 Plugin
  -- Django
  -- TurboGears
  -- wxPython
- Added source code exporters for
  -- HTML
  -- PDF
  -- RTF
  -- Latex
- Added subversion repository and log browsers
- Included API files for
  -- eric4
  -- Django
  -- TurboGears
  -- wxPython
  -- Zope 2
  -- Zope 3
- Many enhancements to the functionality already there

As usual it is available via http://www.die-offenbachs.de/eric.

Detlev Offenbach
PyQt mailing list    PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

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