I need to create a progress bar for a command that I run with popen, but so
far I've had no luck. Here's a sniplet of code:

Pd = QtGui.QProgressDialog ( "Creating Disk Image...", "Stop", 0, 0, self)
        Pd.show ()
        from os.path import isdir
        if isdir(self.foldername):
                changessize = self.ui.CHNGLcd.intValue()
                changesname = self.ui.CHNGName.text()
                os.popen("dd if=/dev/zero 
bs=1M count="+str(changessize)+"; sleep 5; echo 'y' | mkfs.ext3 

I just want the progress bar to show up and bounce back on forth while this
process is running but I've only gotten it at best to show up afterwards.
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