On Tuesday 11 March 2008 12:03, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> sorry for posting that much today but I have another question. Would it be
> possible to generate a (or multiple) API file(s) and install it to the API
> directory like it is done for PyQt4?

Looks like no problem - I should have all of that info available when I 
generate the sip files and html docs and it's just a matter of adding a 
module to dump it out in the correct format.

It looks like I could get pretty close on guessing the format, but it'd help 
if you could point me to a document for the format, if one exists.

What's better - a single file or one file/module? Either should be no problem.

I have the PyQt4.api in /usr/share/qsci/api/python - do you want me to install 
there too, somewhere else, or not at all?

> Please don't take all these emails as criticism, I just would like PyKDE4
> to be a bit better than it already is. Great job, Jim.

No problem - I really appreciate people catching bugs.

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