Op zaterdag 12 april 2008, schreef Jim Bublitz:
> Phil suggests that this:
> p.start(KProcess.NotifyOnExit, KProcess.Communication (KProcess.Stdin |
> KProcess.Stdout))

Thanks, it works! I tried to do that, but tried kdecore.Communication instead 
of KProcess.Communication ....

> should work - I haven't tried it.
> A couple of other notes: 1. This enum isn't available in KDE4 and 2. A lot
> of the enums in KDE4/PyKDE4 (and Qt4) will require similar strict
> type-checking (everything using QFlags).

Thanks for the information and explanation.
w best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandhi
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