On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But why are you saying this to the PyQt mailing list when this is dependent 
> on the Linux distributers' side?

i think that when linux distributer's side fails it is easy to join
that side especially when it is in your interest to solve the mess.
it's a proposal from my side. i really hope i don't sound like ranting
or something.

saying that ubuntu/gentoo developers didn't do the job properly, or
kde developers did the mess with their own phonon and then waiting for
situations to be solved on their sides seems to me too passive for the
ambition which trolltech (now nokia) shows to the world.

deployment is very important and at some point maybe it's not possible
to expect that just linux distribution's will solve it on their own.
at least because gnome seems to be more popular when you get closer to
the distribution.

maybe i'm wrong. but i would like to hear politics on these issues
from trolltech and riverbanking. it's important part of the decision
which developer framework to choose for the application development.
isn't it?

if i would know that trolltech has some number of developer's payed
for doing the packages properly on the most popular distributions
(fedora/red hat, ubuntu at least) and that there is a developer's
friendly package for deployment of qt/pyqt apps i would be more than
sure that this *is* the best developer's platform in the world of free
software today.

what would be the developer's friendly deployment?
for example:

$ packthisappup4ubuntu -i src/ myApp.deb
$ packthisappup4windows -i src/ myApp.exe
$ packthisappup4mac -i src/ myApp.dmg

$ man packthisappup4ubuntu
requirments: package001, package002, package003...

hard job to do? i'm sure it is. but i think that hardest jobs have
been already done. and again i'm very thankful for everything being
done already.

i'm sorry if this is off topic.
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