Hello Phil,

I'm working on getting PyKDE4 trunk working on SIP 4.8 and PyQt 4.5 and hit what looks like a fairly straight forward regression bug.

The compile error is:

/home/sbe/devel/svn/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebindings/python/pykde4/sip/kdecore/typedefs.sip: In function ‘int convertTo_KSharedPtr_0200DNSSD_RemoteService(PyObject*, void**, int*, PyObject*)’: /home/sbe/devel/svn/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebindings/python/pykde4/sip/kdecore/typedefs.sip:247: error: ‘sipForceConvertTo_DNSSD’ was not declared in this scope /home/sbe/devel/svn/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebindings/python/pykde4/sip/kdecore/typedefs.sip:247: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘::’ token

The offending C++ code is:

DNSSD::RemoteService *cpp = (DNSSD::RemoteService *)sipForceConvertTo_DNSSD::RemoteService (sipPy, &iserr);

which was expanded from the mapped type:

template <TYPE>
%MappedType KSharedPtr<TYPE>
// ... etc etc ...

    // Convert a Python instance to a Ptr on the heap.

    if (sipIsErr == NULL)
        return PyInstance_Check(sipPy);

    int iserr = 0;
    TYPE *cpp = (TYPE *)sipForceConvertTo_TYPE (sipPy, &iserr);
// ... etc etc ...

elsewhere in the sip files I've got this which sets it all in motion:

    typedef KSharedPtr<DNSSD::RemoteService> Ptr;


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
si...@simonzone.com       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."
PyQt mailing list    PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

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