Phil Thompson a écrit :
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 15:12:03 +0200, projetmbc <>
I would like to use QsciLexerCustom so as to define my own lexer. The documentation says : "All that is necessary to implement a new lexer is to define appropriate styles and to re-implement the styleText() <classQsciLexerCustom.html#91d71c4bdff5140ae0b0cb34b4511f79> method." This sounds very abstract to me. How can I color a single word like STRANGE ? How can I define a block like a C++ comment ?

You have to parse the text you are being asked to style (or find it in a
data structure you have already created) to determine what style should be
applied to each character (or group of characters). Apply the style by
making a call to startStyling() followed by one or more calls to


Thanks I'll look at that. When I'll make a functionnal example I'll post it here.


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