>> I'm really looking for a frame that has the collapse/expand ability
>> built into it. See the image in the link. You can see the Texture Map
>> submenu  collapsed/expanded. Any thoughts?
>> www.scottballard.net/collapsibleFrame.jpg
> I see - why don't you BYO. This kind of widget is uncommon, and thus the
> reason not being available already.
> But it's pretty easy to combine basic widgets to a composite one. And due to
> Qts powerful layout machinery, you mostly don't need to care about the
> implicit widget resize.

Actually, you do, as soon as you'll pass over some amount of controls.

I have the editor here that reimplements the screenshot (it's Maya, btw) and
in worst situations contains approx. 4500 controls. And I'm still
unable to remove
flickering on switch - basically, the layout refresh.

If anybody can prototype something that works with big amount of controls - his
help would be enormous. Really.


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