On Mon Sep 28 11:37:27 BST 2009, Holger Rapp wrote:
> Am 25.09.2009 um 18:24 schrieb Alexei Puzikov:
> > hello = HelloWorld()
> > hello.show()
> > hello.raise_() # this will raise the window on Mac OS X
> > sys.exit(app.exec_())
> This was a mighty useful advice. The internet doesn't seem to be aware
> of this solution (as mentioned, I only found the clue to pack things
> together via py2app). Is there a possibility to make this more prominent
> in the docs or add a page with Mac OS X notes to some wiki?

Maybe somewhere in the PyQt Wiki:


Perhaps create a "Platform Specific Notes" page and add a link to it in the
list under "Developing with PyQt and PyKDE" on the main page.

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