What about just put this in your for loop. Then the pause/resume button
or whatever just toggles self.paused? That seems good to me.


On 04/15/10 13:53, Scott Frankel wrote:
> Hi all,
> What's the best way to pause and resume processing in QThread objects?
> I've built a small test app that sets up a Python os.walk() process that
> I'd like to be able to pause and restart from where it left off.  The
> documentation on QWaitCondition looks promising, though my app appears
> to hang on this line (line 69):
>     self.condition.wait(self.mutex)
> Also, in testing for a paused job in my processing method (line 104),
> does a waiting thread resume from where it left off?  Or do I need to
> keep track of where it is myself and restart it from there?
> Thanks in advance!
> Scott
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