On 10/11/2010 11:56 PM, Dan Halbert wrote:
On 10/12/2010 2:41 AM, Glenn Linderman wrote:
But I have a situation where FTP access cannot be granted, and if it could, it couldn't handle the job anyway, because of the way the web site stores the data. But CGI programs can finesse those differences, and so a CGI interface, likely a RESTful one, will be developed in conjunction with HTTP Commander. What the web site does under the covers really won't matter to the program, as long as it emulates a tree-structured file system, and can supply directory data, download "files", and upload "files". So the program could be used as a replacement for those FTP programs, but its real power is if the storage format on the Web site is unique.

This sounds like WebDAV to me. Are you familiar with that HTTP-based protocol, which is widely used? It is usually implemented as a webserver extension, though I see CGI-based implementations when I search for << webdav cgi >>.


Dan... Thanks for the response... but you were so fast, I didn't get to bed yet, and I was hoping maybe I'd have some responses by tomorrow, or the end of the week. But you got me doing some more searches....

It does sound a lot like WebDAV, but I was totally unaware of CGI-based implementations... thanks for the hint.


http://www.webdav.org/projects/ looks like a nice collection of links, but those I thought worth clicking on were broken...

Bumped into http://intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/WebDav which talks about Atom, a competitive? protocol? That sounds more CGI-ish? WebDAV sounds like it has a lot of features I won't need.

Found http://code.google.com/p/pywebdav/ a Python implementation of WebDAV protocols... not clear that it is a Web Server, though, but seems to be a standalone WebDAV server for emebedding in applications.

I see TotalCommander has a WebDAV plugin, which would seem to take care of client issues, but I don't think TotalCommander is open source (nor written in Python for easy tweaking). The price is reasonable, though, though an open source or Python client, and one that would work on a Mac would be preferred (I only have two Mac users at present, though, so they could be forced through an upload form, at least for a while, but this is an issue for TotalCommander).

Will attempt to find and read the WebDAV spec after I get some sleep.

I'm still open for suggestions, though, as none of this is immediately obviously the perfect, complete solution... with WebDAV, I'd have to have an implementation that works via CGI and tweak it, so there would be several learning curves: the WebDAV spec, the client, the finding and tweaking of the server code. Plus, I wouldn't gain much experience with PyQt if I use TotalCommander for the client.
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