Op den Dingsdag 23 November 2010 Klock 15:04:34 hett Gionata Boccalini 
> Ooooopssss!!! the first parameter is the milliseconds!! I thought it was
> the seconds!! Now it is working correctly! ( I know I should have looked
> the docs...)

Indeed, looking at the fine docs is often the solution...

> I'll attach the file browser class to this mail. The problem is at row
> 34, the setFilter method. I want to display only regular files in left
> widget, but the filter displays all
> the files and directory even the hidden ones!
> If you comment out that line everything is working but you get files and
> folders in the left widget!

Let me quote the docs for you:

void QFileSystemModel::setFilter ( QDir::Filters filters )
Sets the directory model's filter to that specified by filters.
*Note that the filter you set should always include the QDir::AllDirs* enum 
value, otherwise QFileSystemModel won't be able to read the directory 

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