
I'd like to inform all of you about the immediate availability of a new eric 
5.1 snapshot. It fixes a few bugs and adds these new features.

- added support for the display of inline annotations (used to show
  syntax errors and warnings)
- added support for additional configurable file filters
- added a certificate manager to the eric web browser
- added display of suppressed client termination messages
- changed the Mercurial log browser to show incoming/outgoing changesets
  with the current log (by pressing the next button)
- added a feature where flags can be given at the end of a source file.
  The only flag supported is 'FileType' to overwrite the filetype detection
- added a syntax checker function for Python 2 files
- added a pyflakes checker function for Python 2 files
- added a tabnanny checker function for Python 2 files
- updated Pygments to version 1.4.0

It is available via 

Detlev Offenbach
PyQt mailing list    PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

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