On 03/01/2011 05:19 AM, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
On Monday 28 February 2011, 00:04:16 Robert Siemer wrote:
On 02/28/2011 06:35 AM, David Boddie wrote:
On Sun Feb 27 19:53:16 GMT 2011, Robert Siemer wrote:
What am I doing wrong? ā€“ The segmentation fault does not come
immediately. I have to type something (above I typed ā€œjā€).

Which versions of Qt, SIP and PyQt are you using?

Group answer!

1) Versions:
python-qt4   4.7.4-0ubuntu1
libqtcore4 and libqtgui4   4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.2
libqtwebkit4   2.0.0-0ubuntu1
python-sip   4.10.5-0ubuntu1

Are you sure, that these compiled versions match - e.g. sip and PyQt
were compiled against these Qt libs?

Definitively not compiled against the very same libs! All are form Ubuntu Maverick, but libqtcore4 and libqtgui4 got a (security?) update; thus are newer (but same version: 4.7.0).

Ubuntu is a binary install anyway. If you question that, I can go compiling anything from scratch.

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