On Fri, 15 Apr 2011 12:55:49 -0400, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
<jmr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks, I am starting a new application with PyQt4 and dip. The
> application itself is something like a Dicom explorer. I need to
> explore data from different sources and present it to the user. Data
> will be presented with an structure like this:
> Patient  <1 ------------ *> Study <1 ------------ *> Serie <1
> -------------- *> Image
> but I need to read the information from diffent sources, for example,
> a directory in the file system, from a dicom server, from an http data
> source. My first design was something like this:
> class IDataSource(Interface):
>     def query(...):
>         ...
>     def read(...):
>         ...
> class IWritableDataSource(IDataSource)
>     def store(...):
>         ...
> then I was reading dip docs and found the "io" module. But, can I
> achieve something similar to what I tought with dip.io?

dip.io provides abstractions of storage and storage locations so that your
data, its format and where your it is stored are decoupled. I think it
would provide you with the means of reading and writing your data, leaving
you to concentrate on a common interface for displaying it.

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