Have you tried using py2exe? We have an application written in python with
many dependencies, and without py2exe we would have to create an installer
to manually install python and all the dependencies...And we initially did
that, but that was far more problematic in the end than deploying an .exe
(problems with multiple python installations, upgrading packages, upgrading
Python!, etc.)

Use py2exe along with gui2exe (makes deploying much simpler). It's not
perfect, and the project seems to have stalled, but it works. There is also
PyInstaller, but I have never gotten it to work with twisted and distutils.
It would also balloon our app because it started including every system32
dll it could find that was used!

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 1:13 PM, James Polk <jpolk5...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Apologies if this is too off-topic,....but I'd like to propose a discussion
> of
> how-to's and where-fore's regarding distributing python modules to a
> user-base.
> Recently, I've been using Mark Hammond's excellent pywin32 packages,
> along with NumPy and PyOpenGL,etc.  I have a user-base of approx 40 or so,
> who will need these packages added to their base Python install.
> Rather than visit 40 separate desktops, I used "pip"  (pip freeze) to get a
> short list of packages outside the base install, and wrote an app that each
> user can run to find what's missing, and initiate the appropriate
> install,etc.
> Then I realized that "pip" itself was a 3rd party package!..DOh!
> I can fall back and use "help('modules')" to generate a new list, but it
> lists
> *everything* in the install,...usable but not as succinct, for pywin32 for
> example,
> it lists about a dozen things with a form of "win32" in them,...and doesn't
> appear
> to return the real package name that is associated with the binary
> installation file.
> Surely these issues are fairly common phenomena in many workplaces,etc...
> I'm wondering if anybody out there has any knowledge, tips, or experiences
> regarding this issue that they can share.
> I've found "moduleFinder", and various ideas about searching "sys.path",
> pkgutils, but nothing else that seems like a long term viable and/or
> elegant solution.
> Thoughts anyone?
> Thanks,
> -Jim
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