On 29/06/11 18:21, Nathan Weston wrote:
On 6/29/2011 1:07 PM, Baz Walter wrote:
as was suggested earlier in this thread, if the line-edit doesn't have
the keyboard focus, it can't trigger its own shortcuts. if it *does*
have the focus, but the shortcut sequence is not one it handles, the
keypress event will be re-propagated (as happens with 'Ctrl+R' in your

the simplest way to control the focus is to use clearFocus() and

please reply to the list so that everyone can read your comments.

Unfortunately, I need the line-edit to have keyboard focus (and respond
to some keyboard shortcuts), without bashing my global menu shortcuts.
It seems like there *should* be a clean way to do this by mucking around
with the keyPressEvent, but so far nobody seems to know of one.

did you actually try what was suggested?

going back to your earlier example of dragging in the line-edit to change its value: all you need to do is clearFocus() when the drag starts and setFocus() when the drag ends. that way, whilst the drag is in progress, the line-edit's shortcuts won't work, but your global shortcuts will.

if that's not what you want, please try to make it clear what you do want (i.e. with a working example).

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