I had previously installed PyQt4 (4.7.2) without difficulty but trying to
update to 4.8.5 a make error occurs, specifically while making the
subdirectory "designer" - the error is around a bunch of missing names at ld
time. Any suggestions appreciated..

Here is an edited display of the error:

ld: warning: in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Python, missing
required architecture x86_64 in file
Undefined symbols:
  "_Py_Initialize", referenced from:
      PyCustomWidgets::PyCustomWidgets(QObject*)in pluginloader.o
  "_PyLong_AsVoidPtr", referenced from:
      PyCustomWidgets::PyCustomWidgets(QObject*)in pluginloader.o
  "_PyErr_Print", referenced from:
      PyCustomWidgets::getModuleAttr(char const*, char const*)in
      PyCustomWidgets::getModuleAttr(char const*, char const*)in
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [libpythonplugin.dylib] Error 1
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